Super Consciousness is supreme to conventional consciousness and it is present everywhere and in all things. Super Consciousness presents itself as the unseen and intangible. It is of divine nature and manifests graciousness, in an unrestricted fashion throughout all of creation. It is the true reality in which all of creation rests in balance. It cannot be disturbed or jilted by the concocted and conflicted conventional reality.
It is present as the mother of life. It is present in a puppy, a beaver, a fold and a fly. It is present in everything we see on this planet and in the night sky. It is present in that last breath of air that just entered your body, as well as being present in everything you see out your kitchen window. It is the ultimate form of consciousness that allows loving thought to be called forth and manifested as expressions of the same.
The divine nature of Super Consciousness is made manifest through 100% pure unconditional love. It is present both as a he and she. Super Consciousness is also present in every speck and iota of creation. It is present in you just as it is present everywhere. It is the All Inclusive Intelligence that is present not only as creation itself, but also present in every particle of creation. It allows for the continuation and extension of unrestricted love. It is the Genius that, through love, unifies everything as far as we can see and beyond what we may imagine. And each of us, along with all of creation are unified, together as One in Super Consciousness. Through both loving thoughts and expressions of love, we allow the presence of love to be received in our hearts, and transmitted through our beings. Super Consciousness is our True state of being who we are intended to be. It is our Truth made manifest without any form of self-myth or illusion. It is our Truth made manifest without self-judgment or condemnation. It is our truth made manifest without any form of ego-distraction. In Super Consciousness we are One with the Source of divine, creative cosmic energy. We are One with the presence of God.
Let me show you one illustrative way to depict the concept of Super Consciousness. Draw a big circle, and then fill the circle with oodles of tiny dots. Next, connect all the dots. What does this circle filled with dots and criss-cross lines represent? The dots represent all beings as well as everything within creation, the circle. The lines that interconnect the dots represent unrestricted, unconditional love. The circle, the life and matter within (the dots), along with our interconnectedness through the extension of love (the connecting lines), represent the unified presence of Super Consciousness. It is the Source of our inherent goodness, and kindness. Love is the free flowing and unrestricted energy force that keeps everyone and everything unified as the Whole. Love unites the goodness and kindness that is present in everyone and everything. Love is the pure divine energy that constantly resonates throughout Super Consciousness. Love To All Don
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