Monday, December 22, 2008

Who Could Believe!

Another year is history! If you are reading this, then you made it through all the fun, excitement, and laughter without letting it kill you.

I’m thinking about all the good times I enjoyed – many of those great moments were shared with the folks that are reading this letter. There is a place in me that is touched by each of you. Joy is raised in me when I reflect on the very fulfilling moments that we shared. Thank you.

I’m starting this year with a grateful spirit. Like many of you, I have experienced difficulties in the past year. And at some points along the way, it seemed as if the tough times were winning out. But you know, like you, I’m still standing. I’m standing with you.

I want to thank you folks for being good pals. Thank you for sharing your love with me.

Thanks for the “welcome home.”

Thanks for the laughs and hugs, and funny stories. And thank you for accepting some of the burden that I carried. I am so blessed to have experienced the grace and love you extended. I am a truly fortunate man, and a better person because of you. Many blessings, and lots of love to you in the year ahead. Enjoy the journey.
Don ¤

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