You Are Totally Acceptable
Take a moment to tally the number of people each and everyday that you would estimate, in the pursuit of self-acceptance, visits a therapist.
It would be a daunting task, I’m sure. Scads of healing-seekers flock to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, counselors, and spiritualists in pursuit of advice and guidance for living a better or fulfilling life. Many make this perpetual trek to convey the woes associated with not meeting acceptability standards; including those set both for their self, and others. They see themselves, or someone else lacking something that, if “fixed,” would lessen the distress and turmoil that they experience. Taking this idea to a broader scale, imagine how many stories and incidents are being conveyed in person-to-person conversation each day that involve the judgment of someone’s acceptability. To gain an all-encompassing perspective, also include the thoughts that we hold privately about either our personal acceptability or that of someone else. Now sum it up.
To the number of minutes that are privately devoted to just thinking about either our own or someone else’s acceptability, add the minutes involved in conversing with others about our own acceptability and that of others, and again to that subtotal add the minutes devoted to listening to others who do the same. Extend that exercise to include an entire population and the total would be mind-boggling. The daily toxic mental energy devoted either to pursuing one’s self-acceptance or judging the acceptable practices and performances of others is beyond what could be measured. It is way too far-reaching to both fathom and compute. The day is consumed with thoughts and conversation about the idea of acceptability.
Searching for acceptability seems to be a lifelong venture. It can be seen almost everywhere. It is present at work, and home. The pursuit of acceptance is demonstrated in conversation, and game competition. The acceptability of our personality, behavior or performance, or that of someone else, is not left without question for very long before becoming the focus of someone’s thoughts and conversation. Also, the quest for acceptance is more often than not, the seed from which a romantic relationship blossoms. In the pursuit of an enhanced level of acceptability, one romantic partner is targeted by the
Hello Everyone. Is this Love Letter helpful? Please let me know of your input and suggestions. I’m open to whatever causes the Love Letter to bring you insightfulness and make for a joyful read.
- Namaste, Don
And what's a butterfly?
At best,
he's but a caterpillar, at rest.
~John Grey
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. ~Maya Angelou
other as being the source of good feelings, pleasure and happiness.
In the search for acceptability, we can put ourselves in some very tough spots. We learn early in life about what we are lacking and who we should strive to be. Authority figures tell us to behave better or perform better or look better. One’s personal acceptability is discerned by comparing one’s acceptability rating to that of others. We perpetually compare ourselves to others who possess an acceptability rating that may register at a higher or lower setting than our own. This comparison communicates a message about our self-worth. The comparison gives us feedback on how we are evaluated by our self and others, and as a result of that evaluation it informs us as to how we fit into the world. It causes us to form an opinion of our acceptability, which can often put a person in a compromising or tough position because his or her own acceptability is put on the line. It’s up for scrutiny and criticism; which is intimidating, scary and threatening.
We learn from the world that we could be better than we are. The message is virtually everywhere. We see it in advertisements. We are challenged with it in school. We learn it from parents. We are faced with it at work. Continually our acceptability rating is being evaluated as we view others in our peer group, professional group, neighborhood and church group. We compare ourselves to others while in social interactions. We assess the opinions that others hold for us in our family unit and romantic relationship. Continually we check our acceptability meter for an actual rating, and then compare it to the presumed ratings of another. And in doing so, perpetually we are asking ourselves: Am I okay?
If we determine that our comparative rating is registering at a sub-acceptable level, then we must heed the message as a warning and do something to raise it. One way of doing so is by creating the perception that we are something other than what we are perceived to be. So we can either strive to achieve the aspired level of acceptability, or create an illusion that we have reached it. In choosing the later, we misrepresent the personal effort required for meeting the acceptability standard. This choice will cause others to perceive us as someone other than we really are. Rather than being judged as unacceptable, a false self
Self-Awareness Retreat: June 13, 14
This two day get-together is for those of you who want to become one with that loving peaceful place within. Those who attend will learn the fundamentals for thought transformation. They will learn how to become one with their Ultimate Consciousness. This retreat is a happy, restful and insightful adventure. Retreat attendees will move down the pathway to the discovery of their True Nature. If you would like to make this discovery, then this may be the program to guide you. You will be with others who are curious about taking the same adventure. Email me and I’ll email back to you a brochure.
A self-transcendence mind Has peace.
- Sri Chinmoy
-image is projected to create the opposite perception.
The message that we continually communicate to the self is that we are lacking and must therefore do something other that what we are presently doing, or be someone thing other than who we are presently being. The ability to know our real self eventually becomes inert. The vision of who we really are is blocked by the false, self-created reality. This bogus reality is a distraction that keeps us from recognizing our Divine Reality.
The idea of some person or thing being unacceptable is contrived in the mind of a person who believes he can evaluate something as less than what God created it to be. Nothing or no one is unacceptable. In divine consciousness, lack does not exist. In divine consciousness everyone and everything is one with creation and therefore one with the Creator. In Divine Consciousness we are all one, a perfect One. Everyone and everything is composed of pure divine energy, which is unconditional love. Through unconditional love, God is present in all forms. He is present in a stone as well as a human, a blade of grass and a snail; a tree and a tiger. He is present in all forms because at the very base of all form is divine energy; which is Love.
Our worldly identity is affixed to our acceptability. We define ourselves, in large measure, according to our accomplishments, achievements, successes, importance, significance, capabilities, and performance outcomes. This identity defines who we are and becomes so ingrained in our psyche that it presides as the nucleus of our reality. We can’t see beyond it. It is the eco-sphere in which we conduct our lives. It creates strife and an insatiable appetite for self-acceptance. It is the battleground on which we prove to our self and others, that we can conquer forces that question or oppose our state of acceptability. It is like a scent we lay down as a demarcation to others that this thing we do that makes us acceptable, is our particular area of competency. It’s our badge of acceptability.
The mind that forms from the craving to be acceptable is called the ego. It perceives the world as a place where, through self-acceptance it must figure out how to fit in. The ego does however recognize the voice within that speaks from beyond its selfish limitations. The ego keeps the mind so distracted with the pursuit of acceptability that the other
In Norie Huddle's book, “Butterfly” she writes: "The caterpillars new cells are called "imaginal cells". They resonate at a different frequency. They are so totally different from the caterpillar cells that his immune system thinks they are enemies . . . and gobbles them up - Chomp! Gulp! But these new imaginal cells continue to appear. More and more of them! Pretty soon, the caterpillar's immune system cannot destroy them fast enough. More and more of the imaginal cells survive. And then an amazing thing happens! The little, tiny, lonely imaginal cells start to clump together, into friendly little groups. They all resonate together at the same frequency, passing information from one to another. Then, after a while, another amazing thing happens! The clumps of imaginal cells start to cluster together! . . . A long string of clumping and clustering imaginal cells, all resonating at the same frequency, all passing information from one to another there inside the chrysalis.”
voice is muffled. The ego is the mind within that distracts us from seeing our perfection. The voice of the ego keeps us so keenly tuned to its messages that the voice of our True Self is faint. The thoughts that emanate from Divine Consciousness are ignored, and so we grow ignorant of our true nature. We distance our self from the truth that we are One with God. We become so rooted in a false belief system that we forget that all of creation is perfect. We are perfect. We are totally acceptable. You are totally acceptable. You need not prove to yourself or anyone that what God created needs to be made into a better version. As long as we allow the ego to assume the captain’s role of our minds then we will correspondingly continue to seek out guidance in support of satisfying the ego’s function. Although it conveys the same lesson in various thought forms, the ego continually broadcasts the same message; which is: “You are not what you should be.”
In choosing thoughts that transcend the ego’s reality, the mind becomes opened to a knowledge that is beyond the ego’s limitations. The ego chooses not to see outside its consciousness, so it remains ignorant of Truth. It creates the obstacles that distract us from knowing our True Reality. Author, Willigis Jager explaines it this way.¬ “Hans Peter Durr once proposed the following example in a lecture: Vis a vis the universe we are like an illiterate person looking at a magnificent poem. Since we can’t read or write, we scan the whole thing carefully and note that some letters are continually repeated. So we begin to count these signs, to organize and catalog them. In the end we know that the piece of paper contains so many A’s, B’s and C’s and so on. We are proud of our research, but we haven’t the slightest understanding of the poem.”¬Search for the Meaning of Life pg8.
We are indoctrinated and so deeply entrenched in ego-based thinking that we do not see it as the ever-present obstacle, distracting us from recognizing the truth about who we really are. The ego keeps us from knowing what is beyond its own reality. It keeps us from allowing love’s presence to thrive in our ongoing thoughts, daily routines, special interests, and specific activities. It ever nourishes the desire for acceptability with messages regarding something else that yet needs to be done. (continue next column)
The mind becomes so overwhelmed and preoccupied that the transcendence of ego-based thinking is neither considered nor pursued. The ego tells us that thoughts about transformed thinking are hocus-pocus. They are crazy thoughts. And in our belief of what the ego speaks, the memory of our True Reality is shadowed.
The illiterate person in the Hans Peter Durr story, did not experience the thought provoking ideas conveyed by the poem, rather he saw only a list that tallied up the number of times each letter is used. The ego would control our perceptions in a similar fashion. It would not allow us to understand the Truth, the beauty of the poem. . It would not allow us to see that there is a level of consciousness that transcends the limitation of ego-based beliefs. The ego believes in conflict, consternation and condemnation. It thrives on conflict. It uses attack and defense strategies to validate its strength. And in doing so it is continually in our face with the message that says: “You are not what you are expected to be. You are not yet acceptable.”
The truth about who you are is beyond the ego’s teachings. You are completely and totally acceptable. Nothing the ego can lead you to do can make you better than what is already Perfect.
¤¤¤BE HAPPY¤¤¤
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A love letter from Don: 3/28/09 "Butterfly"
good feelings,
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